
adults attending college - your questions answered

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adults attending college - your questions answered

Are you an adult considering going back to college to further your career? If so, congratulations! This is not an easy choice to make, but in most cases, it is a wise decision. As an adult, college can be just as intimidating, if not more intimidating than it is for teenagers entering the college world for the first time. Are there some colleges that cater better to adult students? Can you complete a course in less time at one school than you can another? Are there affordable payment options available? You can find the answers to these and many more questions on my site.

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It's Never Too Early To Instill A Love Of Flying In Your Child

If your child has a deep passion for airplanes, you can do better than buying him or her a book on flying or a flight simulator video game. Many flying schools have programs for children, and while your child may not completely be behind the controls of a real airplane, he or she will enjoy being immersed in the world of flying. An introductory flying lesson for your child can be a perfect present, and can also be ideal for affirming the child's passion for one day obtaining his or her flight license. Here are some things that a child-focused flight training program will include.

In-Class Lessons

A flight training program for children will spend plenty of time in the classroom. Instructors will talk about the physics of flight, the parts of an airplane, and how to control it. Students will also get a chance to practice mock communications between them and a virtual control tower, as well as learn about navigation. The children will get an opportunity to ask plenty of questions, and the course's subject material will often be tested in a fun and interactive manner that is designed to further increase your child's excitement about flying.

Simulator Training

Flight schools have professional-caliber simulators that are ideal for learning how to fly. While training geared toward children will involve a lot of formal classroom-style studying, the participants will also get a chance to spend time in a flight simulator. This isn't the same as playing a video game; it's an immersive experience in which your child will sit in an airplane seat and use authentic controls to pilot the virtual plane. The simulator is a suitable way for the child to put what he or she has learned to the test — and there's no disputing the fun factor of this training element, too.

Time In The Air

No children's flight training program is complete without time in the air in an actual airplane. Different flight schools take different approaches to this element. In some cases, your child will simply get to be a passenger in a small plane that an instructor pilots. In other cases — especially if the training program has been extensive and your child is older — he or she may actually get a chance to take the controls in the air for a few minutes. Additionally, the child can play a role in radio communications and navigation.

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