
adults attending college - your questions answered

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adults attending college - your questions answered

Are you an adult considering going back to college to further your career? If so, congratulations! This is not an easy choice to make, but in most cases, it is a wise decision. As an adult, college can be just as intimidating, if not more intimidating than it is for teenagers entering the college world for the first time. Are there some colleges that cater better to adult students? Can you complete a course in less time at one school than you can another? Are there affordable payment options available? You can find the answers to these and many more questions on my site.

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4 Tips For Veterans Thinking Of Attending College

If you are a military veteran and are looking for a new career, attending college is a good first step. However, making the change from military life to the life of a college student is not always easy. Here are four tips for you to follow as you consider your options and begin attending school.

1. Meet with an advisor when applying.

When you find a school that you wish to apply to, call and make an appointment with a student advisor before you even apply. The advisor can give you a better idea of what credits you may be able to get for the work you have already done in the military. This can help you figure out how long a certain degree program will take or whether it truly is a good match for your existing skill set. You don't want to apply, get accepted, and start paying tuition before learning that a program will take longer than you thought.

2. Fill out your GI Bill paperwork.

As a veteran, you are entitled to benefits through the GI Bill, and one of those benefits is tuition coverage. However, to receive this coverage, you often need to fill out a lot of paperwork. The schools should have a veteran's affairs office that can help you with this. They may even have an advisor who can fill out the paperwork for you -- and you can just sign off on it.

3. Don't be afraid to branch out.

You are not stuck staying in the same field you were in during your service if you would rather do something else. This is your opportunity to make a change, so make it. If you were a medic in the Army but have always wanted to study finance, go for it. If you are more interested in English than engineering, there's nothing wrong with being an English major.

4. Do have a job in mind.

As a veteran, you are older than the average college student, and you don't have as much time post-graduation to "get your life figured out." So, make sure you start college with some career plans in mind. You do not have to know exactly what you want to do, but at least make sure there are job options at the end of the major you choose.

Attending college is a great "next step" for veterans, and with the tips above, it should go smoothly. Check out a website like for more information and assistance.