
adults attending college - your questions answered

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adults attending college - your questions answered

Are you an adult considering going back to college to further your career? If so, congratulations! This is not an easy choice to make, but in most cases, it is a wise decision. As an adult, college can be just as intimidating, if not more intimidating than it is for teenagers entering the college world for the first time. Are there some colleges that cater better to adult students? Can you complete a course in less time at one school than you can another? Are there affordable payment options available? You can find the answers to these and many more questions on my site.

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Adult Learning Classes: 3 Learning Tools For Those Who Are Dyslexic

Dyslexia is a much more common disorder than what the public may believe affecting about 1 in 10 Americans. This language-based learning disability may have caused many adults to be unable to graduate high school, especially considering the lack of resources that were available decades ago. If you're interested in pursuing higher education, you may be required to take adult education classes to obtain a high school degree. Learning can be a lot easier with these 3 tools. 

Audiobooks for Improved Reading Comprehension

Students struggling with dyslexia often have difficulty with reading comprehension and can easily get words mixed up. To better comprehend and analyze the reading materials, opt for audiobooks that will allow you to listen and absorb the material that you are required to remember. With audiobooks, the difficulties surrounding sounding and comprehending words no longer become a problem.  

Spelling and Grammar Check Software for Improved Literature

Spelling errors are not uncommon problems for students with dyslexia, and this can often get in the way of the quality of their literature. If you struggle in this area, typing out your work electronically and make sure that you have an adequate and professional spelling and grammar check software installed.

The spelling and grammar check software will pick up on any errors that you make and automatically make the changes that are necessary or give you a list of words that are close in spelling. It will also pick up grammar errors quickly and easily to improve the overall quality of your writing.

Covered Overlays to Combat Visual Perception Problems

If audiobooks are not available, worry not, as colored overlays have been found to be quite effective. Studies have shown that colored overlays reduce the symptoms of visual stress and increase reading fluency in about 20% of children. They also reduce neck strain and improve reading comprehension.

Colored overlays are basically different colored sheets of acetate that are translucent. They are placed over a page of text and will help guide the eyes when reading. You can use various colors for different subject areas. In addition, different people respond positively to different colors. You may need to test which colors work for you.


With all of the numerous tools and resources that are available nowadays, getting your high school degree will be a piece of cake. There are many adult classes for different subjects, and some learning institutions even cater the learning experience specifically to those struggling with dyslexia.