
adults attending college - your questions answered

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adults attending college - your questions answered

Are you an adult considering going back to college to further your career? If so, congratulations! This is not an easy choice to make, but in most cases, it is a wise decision. As an adult, college can be just as intimidating, if not more intimidating than it is for teenagers entering the college world for the first time. Are there some colleges that cater better to adult students? Can you complete a course in less time at one school than you can another? Are there affordable payment options available? You can find the answers to these and many more questions on my site.

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Is A Career As An EMT Right For You?

EMTs, or emergency medical technicians, provide a valuable service for the community. If you are considering pursuing this as a career, there are a few things you should consider. Knowing what type of training is required and knowing what the job entails can help you to make this important and rewarding career choice. Here are a few things to think about as you make your decision.

EMT Training And Certification

To become an EMT, you'll need to take training courses and become certified in lifesaving procedures. Each state has different requirements for education and certification, so you'll want to check your state's regulations before signing up for a training course. You will need to get your certification in basic lifesaving skills, including CPR for adults, children and infants. Some states, such as Washington, require you to take HIV/AIDS training in order to become licensed or certified. The number of required hours for training may vary, but it's important to remember that the more training you have, the better you will be at your job. You can typically take these courses at local community colleges or specialized EMT training schools. To become a nationally certified EMT, you'll need to take the NREMT certification test, which provides initial certification and recertification opportunities for EMTs across the country. The NREMT organization also provides a way for EMTs in training to document their ongoing education online.

The Role Of An EMT

An EMT can expect to work long hours. Some shifts may be filled with many calls for assistance, while others may be quiet. You can expect to spend your downtime taking inventory of your ambulance, stocking supplies and doing other preparatory work to ensure you and your team are ready to provide assistance when it is needed. You'll need to be strong enough to lift people who need assistance with entering the ambulance and getting onto a stretcher, and you'll also need to be comfortable around the sight of blood. You should also be prepared for emotional situations that can arise, particularly at accident scenes. If you aren't sure about whether or not becoming an EMT is right for you, consider reaching out to the local volunteer fire department to talk to one of the EMTs. This may give you a better idea of what is expected of you and whether or not you feel you can fulfill the job duties.


Before you become a full-fledged EMT, you may be required to spend time on a volunteer fire department to get hands-on experience. During your time as a volunteer, you will be scheduled for regular shifts, but you might also be called in at other times for emergencies. While this work isn't paid, it does create a path for you to pursue a paid career as an EMT. Be sure you have the available time to commit to volunteering to help advance your career as an EMT.

Becoming an EMT won't make you rich, but it can be a rewarding career. Take a long look at what the job entails and whether you can handle both the emotional and physical demands. If you feel you can, consider learning how to become an EMT in your area.